Monday 18 July 2011

South Pacific Beaches [MUST VISIT] - #3 Mission Beach, Australia

North Queensland's Mission beach halfway between Townsville and Cairns is a stone's throw from the Great Barrier Reef. One of Australia's most sophisticated beach scenes with trendy dining, chic night spots, and boutique resorts

Location on the map
Nice scenery

Playing around the beach with water motor boat
One of the accommodation you can consider

Mission Beach is the closest mainland point to the Great Barrier Reef, one of the world's wonders. Don't miss taking a day trip to the Reef for snorkelling or Scuba-diving.
Courtesy from Lonely Planet
 The Wet Tropics of Queensland is one of a handful of sites worldwide which meet all four criteria for World Heritage listing:
  • it represents a major stage of the earth's evolutionary history
  • it is an outstanding example of ongoing ecological and biological processes
  • it contains superlative natural phenomena
  • it contains the most important natural habitats for conservation of biological diversity
 Enthusiastic and active collectors in the region have scoured the world for decades accumulating what is now believed to be the most extensive array of tropical and ultra-tropical food plants on the planet.

More info visit Mission Beach Tourism Official Site