Friday 1 July 2011

Katy Perry Vanity Fair June 2011

Katy Perry purrs on the cover of the June 2011 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine. Between the covers of the style mag, the “Teenage Dream” singer speaks out for the first time — albeit cryptically — about a tell-all book her preacher mother, Mary Hudson, is shopping about her and reveals the differences between hers and her parents’ way of thinking.

The “Teenage Dream” singer blames her strict Christian upbringing at the hands of her evangelical-minister parents of robbing her of a normal childhood.
“I didn’t have a childhood,” Katy told VF, adding that she was not allowed to say things like “deviled eggs” or “Dirt Devil,” to listen to secular music or read books besides the Bible during her years of maturation in California. “Growing up, seeing Planned Parenthood, it was considered like the abortion clinic. I was always scared I was going to get bombed when I was there … I didn’t know it was more than that, that it was for women and their needs. I didn’t have insurance, so I went there and I learned about birth control.”

Perry credits her husband, actor Russell Brand, with opening her mind even more.

Perry credits her husband, actor Russell Brand, with opening her mind even more.

[Vanity Fair]